I love to offer an opportunity not only for support, but to dive deeply into the areas you have been longing to experience change and healing.

  • Been working hard at therapy for years and not seeing the change you’d like to see?

  • Feel cut short on your sessions?

  • Often feel like you have much to work on but when you show up to session your mind is blank?

  • Ever feel like you are REALLY getting somewhere and then your sesson must end?

  • Deal with chronic patterns that traditional sessions only scratch the surface of?

  • Have difficulty resolving or healing from difficult childhood experiences, abuse or neglect?

  • Feel like you keep repeating unhelpful patterns in your life?

  • Ever lose hope that change is actually possible for you?

  • Found it frustrating to fit ongoing therapy sessions into your busy schedule or during a particularly hectic stage of life?

  • Felt like you needed deeper support at critical times in your life?

    Therapy Intensives may benefit you!

Intensives Can:

  • Provide a jump start to therapy by providing time to review educational material that helps you make sense of your experiences

  • Supplement traditional therapy sessions by giving extended time to focus on targeted treatment

  • Be a solution to finding it difficult to schedule ongoing therapy into your life

  • Allow for opportunities to engage in multiple modalities such as: talk therapy, EMDR. parts work, therapeutic art, sound assisted therapy

  • Allow time to work on OCD exposures

  • provide greater opportunity to process trauma

  • Be an opportunity to practice skills together, increasing the liklihood of you being able to use them in real time!

  • Provide you with unique take-aways like workbooks and a reflective summary of your experience

  • create an in-depth therapy program just for you when booked individually or as a package

Therapy Intensives

Therapy intensives are extended therapy experiences. This allows more time to engage in deeper therapeutic work to create more opportunity for healing and self discovery. Intensives allow you to cover more ground than the traditional 50-60 minute model.  While therapy intensives cannot create a magic cure, they provide time to engage more extensively on your treatment plan to accelerate your growth.